The Batchers…

LuJean & Curt

LuJean Huffman-Nordberg, who is the Granddaughter of the Famous Architect of our National Historic Treasure, the Batcher Block Opera House, was here again. It was like seeing family when she came “home.”

Curt, her Husband, and her dear friends joined them for a night to remember. She is our first “Little Italy” Park member and has added to her collection of Bricks to include her Parents and her Children.

Her support when I moved into my parent’s home years ago has made all the difference in my life and where I am now.

Life is learning how to walk with Grief. Losing those we love introduces us to a world of possibilities to help us walk lighter. With LuJean by my side, it is as if I am flying…

Thank you forever, LuJean and Curt, for being here now and for your early support. I Promise I will never quit becoming a preservationist. Being a caregiver of Charles and Jennie Batcher’s Treasure is a passion made deeper by knowing you are with me forever in “Little Italy” - DING THE BELL!!!



P.S. Just when you think the night is winding down…Santa comes to Frosty’s!

Santa (David Mertens) & LuJean (Batcher)

“Little Italy” Park Members!



